Author Profile
Saleem S/o Dr Saleem wahid saleem a born thinker, philosopher and
scientist Born in 1947 at Aligarh. Died on July 23 july, 2010. Done courses & tanning in modern
electronics and electrical engineering
from Denmark, Germany etc. Got special tanning from Stromberg AGE, Finland, pertaining to their
Alternators & DG Sets other that Went to U.K. and Denmark regarding the training of speed regulation of 3 phase
induction motor frequency (Cycle) converters, involving computer programming.
Having experience of job in European and Middle East company regards such as
Germany, Denmark, U.k., Saudi Arab etc. ALHAMDULLILAH he has developed a unique
model which was designed, developed and made personally by him. pure [electrical switching system] evolved
by him with the use of Boolean algebra and Printed circuit board in 1989 top
most Indian scientist declare him extra-ordinary in ISRO
around 1970 made many models with it
such as electrical chess, token system. send the letter to his
Highness The Ambassador to India Govt of Saudi Arab in 1991 and is put before
his Majesty the king of Saudi arab, Al
khadimul haramain sharifain the well
wisher & the representative of UMMATUAL MUSLIMEEN as this model is to loud
there is nothing to be worshipped other than Almighty Allah. Grandson of abdul
wahid elder brother of Dr Khalifa abdul hakim done (M.A.,L.L.B.,Ph.D. from
Germany year 1924) Authority upon Allama
Iqbal & Mirza ghalib
Colleague of Servpalli Dr.Radha Krishnan
former president of India and Dr saleem wahid saleem poet par excellence Ph.D.
has been granted by a reknown University to Tabenda Batool worked upon his
literary work.khalid saleem is son of Dr Saleem wahid saleem. Khalid saleem is electronic
engineer. Gets his ghazals published in periodicals and magazines such as
hamara adab, insha culcullta, shane shajapur etc. Appears occasionally on radio and TV. Takes part in Mushayaras
conducted in such as BHEL, Mullah Rammuji Sanskiriti bhawan, Doordarshan Kendra
etc... .The collection of Khalid saleem it is also a good method by which
saving can be done when the unique number note or coin came in front of him he
always keep example a note of number
555555 it is unique in itself he have collected enamours coins not only
of India but also of foreign countries and also collected Rs786 collection.
Went to U.K. and Denmark
regarding training of speed regulation of 3-phase induction
motor frequency (Cycle) converters, involving
computer programming
Circuit chess model invented by Mr. Khalid SaleemCoin collection 1 ana to 2 rupees
Coin 1 ana to 5 rupees
Coins of abroad
Rs786 collection
Rs 786 collection update
Mr. Khalid Saleem son's from right Abdullah, Abdulrehman, Abdulrahim
Mr. Khalid Saleem son Abdullah Dar B.E., Computer science
Abdullah Dar Co-Author of Book Mr. Khalid Saleem Dar-Biography
Dip. In Elect. Engg(with) Electronics in 1968 from ALIGARH
MUSLIM UNIVERSITY after that he move to allahbad and from there in 1969 from INDIAN RADIO INSTT. ALLAHBAD completed diploma. In 1970 done clear paper in subject of
drawing from Associate Member of Institt
of Electrical Engineering equivalent to B.E. after that he move to bhopal
and continue his study taken twice Dip in computer application in 1999 from I.G.M BHOPAL REGISTERED By Govt. Of India and from SUNGRACE COMPUTER ACADEMY BHOPAL. In
between in the duration of his life he done job in many countries and taken equivalent from COLGATE UNIVERSITY U.S.
Konowledge of languages: Urdu,
Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Punjabi, English can read write and speak fluently.
Popularly known for: His
poetry, switching circuit chess, Rs786 collection, collection of coin India and